To get a good price for your property and a quick sale, it’s best to be prepared on all fronts.
Work with your agent to get as many buyers vying for your house. Competition will drive the price up as well as keep you in control.
You should try and find out as much as possible about your buyers. They might be motivated by a need to move in quickly, in which case they might be willing to pay more, rather than wait and negotiate. Also, you need to be sure that they have enough money to pay for the house and that they are not wasting your time.
Be proactive in disclosing all known defects and do it in writing. You will avoid any lawsuits later on, if the buyer is advised of any possible problem. Get professional assistance for evaluating your house’s flaws as well as solutions for fixing it. Do not under any circumstance, hide a major defect or try to cover it. You risk the sale itself as well as legal troubles.
You should be very clear about items from your house that will stay after you leave and those that do not. Prepare a complete list and make sure the buyer will sign it.
There are many such details that need to be taken into account when selling your house. For more information, call or email me. I will put my expertise at work for you.
Brought to you by John Touchberry, Touchberry Properties LLC