You started your side hustle delivery job to make some extra cash to pay off some debt and save money. Don’t put it all at risk by relying on your personal auto insurance to cover you on your deliveries. Here’s what you need to know. You Need a Commercial Auto Policy As a delivery driver, […]
Category: Commercial Auto Insurance
Still Offering Delivery to Your Customers? You Need a Commercial Auto Policy
Written By Charlotte Insurance on February 11, 2021. It has 0 comments.
The world has changed in the past year, and businesses have had to adapt to keep up. If staying afloat has meant offering delivery, you’re not alone. While it’s a good business decision, it also opens your business and your employees up to additional liability. Auto accidents are a very real concern for delivery drivers. […]
Why Lawn Care Companies Need Insurance
Written By Charlotte Insurance on June 15, 2020. It has 0 comments.
In an ideal world, accidents never happen, mistakes are never made, and everyone is happy, healthy, and has a beautiful home to enjoy. Unfortunately, we’re only human, and even lawn care companies fall victim to accidents from time to time. Damaged property, stolen equipment, or employee and customer injuries can be mitigated but never entirely […]
Do you need a Commercial Auto Policy?
Written By Charlotte Insurance on January 19, 2016. It has 0 comments.
It can be hard to know what insurance you need for your business, and when you need it. Maybe you’re branching out on your own, working for yourself. You could be growing your small business and adding employees and equipment. Knowing when to add new insurance coverage can be tough.
The only thing that separates you and your business from continued growth or devastating loss is one bad car accident. Here are some ways to tell if you need a commercial auto policy for your business to protect you, your business, and your employees.