Our South Carolina Insurance Agency Celebrates American Heart Month!

Written By Charlotte Insurance on February 21, 2012. It has 0 comments.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Because of this, February has been named American Heart Month! This month, our South Carolina insurance agency would like to speak about the urgency of this disease and bring awareness to this growing health concern. Not only is these disease deadly, but it is also beyond expensive. In 2010, cardiovascular disease cost the nation more than $444 billion in health care expenses. High hospitalization costs are just another reason for residents to look into health insurance.

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South Carolina Insurance can be Designed to Cover your Jewelry!

Written By Charlotte Insurance on February 13, 2012. It has 0 comments.

Valentine’s Day has finally arrived! Did you go with chocolate this year or fine jewelry? Either way, we are sure your loved one is going to love their V-Day surprise. However, for those who DID go with fine jewelry: did you cover the valuable? South Carolina insurance can easily be designed to cover your new purchase!

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North Caroline Insurance Agency Tips: Prepare for a Puppy!

Written By Charlotte Insurance on February 6, 2012. It has 0 comments.

Have you decided to bring a furry friend into your home? The joy of a new puppy is overwhelming! However, before you pick up the little guy and take him into your home, it is crucial to prepare. There is a lot to be done prior to their arrival! Luckily, our North Carolina insurance agencyhas a few tips to offer, from purchasing puppy necessities to animal liability coverage.

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Our North Carolina Insurance Agency wants you to Lay Off the Horn!

Written By Charlotte Insurance on January 30, 2012. It has 0 comments.

Do you suffer from road rage? Hey, many Americans do! There is always going to be that one person on the road who is cutting off just about everything. Sure, you may want to get even and cut them off in return but we are here to tell you DO NOT. Our North Carolina insurance agencyhas dealt with too many claims that are caused by unnecessary road retaliation and rage.

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Quick Checklist for Foreclosed & Vacant Homes

Written By Charlotte Insurance on January 25, 2012. It has 0 comments.

As we all have come to realize we are living in the time where there are numerous foreclosures, bank owned and or otherwise vacant homes on the market. Many times you as the Buyer’s Agent try to rely on information supplied/received by the Listing Agents of these properties. We have come to find that all too often when the Buyer’s Agent is told that the utilities have been turned on no one has actually gone out to the subject property and confirmed this fact. Then when the Inspector arrives at the subject property he/she finds the utility companies tag on the front door (OK, usually on the ground) and no utilities on within the property.

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South Carolina Insurance: Save on your Life Insurance Premium!

Written By Charlotte Insurance on January 23, 2012. It has 0 comments.

Many Americans complain about their insurance bills. However, many are not aware that there are always ways to lower your premium. At your trusty South Carolina insurance agency, we would like to start with savings on life insurance. If you are a smoker, we are talking to you!

Smoking is a sure way to make sure your premium is sky-high. It’s 2012! It is time to finally quit smoking once and for all and lower that life insurance premium in the process.

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Stay Covered at College with South Carolina Insurance

Written By Charlotte Insurance on January 16, 2012. It has 0 comments.

It’s becoming more and more common for college students to choose off-campus housing versus on-campus. Dorms are not for everyone! If you are a student who is planning on renting, our South Carolina insurance agency has some advice for you. It is important that you know what sort of legal agreements you are getting into and to make sure your place is covered with renters insurance.

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Tips from our North Carolina Insurance Agency: Create a Home Inventory List!

Written By Charlotte Insurance on January 16, 2012. It has 0 comments.

First-time homeowners: so you have finally settled in, unpacked all boxes and have some time to catch a breath. Everything is good to go now, right? Well, almost! If you have not created a home inventory list yet, it is that time. This list may seem like an intimidating task but it is sure to go hand-in-hand with your new home insurance policy. Our North Carolina insurance agency has a few tips to help you tackle this project with ease!

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4 Good Reasons for Auto Insurance by your North Carolina Insurance Agency

Written By Charlotte Insurance on January 3, 2012. It has 0 comments.

Are you aware that every time you step into your vehicle, you are putting yourself at risk? All Americans should be aware, especially with all the driving distractions these days! Between texting and shuffling through iPods, it is safe to say that no one just drives anymore. As your North Carolina insurance agency, we believe it is our duty to explain to you the importance of an auto insurance policy.

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Is your South Carolina Insurance Ready for an NYE Bash?

Written By Charlotte Insurance on December 28, 2011. It has 0 comments.

Picked up the food and snacks? Check. Decorated your place? Check. Picked up the alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages? Check. Updated your South Carolina insurance policies? …Oops!

If you will be partying away on New Year’s Eve, it is crucial to make sure you are 100% prepared. This includes going over a few safety precautions and updating both your home and auto insurance policies. As your reliable South Carolina insurance agency, we have a few reminders right here for you:

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