Over One Million Drivers may see Huge Rate Increase

Written By Charlotte Insurance on May 20, 2011. It has 0 comments.

Two auto insurance bills in the Senate sponsored and supported by the insurance industry will cause mandatory auto liability insurance rates to skyrocket over the next few years for 1,000,000 North Carolina auto insurance policyholders.

The members of the AIANC represent over 200,000 North Carolina policyholders. It is our belief that these bills, while beneficial for insurance companies, would be harmful to our customers.

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Preventing Carjacking / Theft

Written By Charlotte Insurance on May 12, 2011. It has 0 comments.

1. Think of saving your life first. Only then, think of your car and what’s in it.
2. If another car bumps your car, stay inside with the windows shut and the door locked and drive to the nearest police or fire station.
3. Don’t stop at isolated pay phones, cash machines or newspaper machines where you could become a carjacking victim.

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Tips for Avoiding Identity Theft

Written By Charlotte Insurance on May 3, 2011. It has 0 comments.

• Keep the amount of personal information in your purse or wallet to the bare minimum. Avoid carrying additional credit cards, your social security card or passport unless absolutely necessary.
• Guard your credit card when making purchases. Shield your hand when using ATM machines or making long distance phone calls with phone cards. Don’t fall prey to “shoulder surfers” who may be nearby.

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How much Homeowners Insurance do I need?

Written By Charlotte Insurance on March 22, 2011. It has 0 comments.

You need enough insurance to cover the cost of rebuilding your home at current construction costs. Don’t include the cost of the land. And don’t base your rebuilding costs on the price you paid for your home. The cost of rebuilding could be more or less than the price you paid or could sell it for today.

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How do I take a Home Inventory and why?

Written By Charlotte Insurance on March 16, 2011. It has 0 comments.

Would you be able to remember all the possessions you’ve accumulated over the years if they were destroyed by a fire? Having an up-to-date home inventory will help you get your insurance claim settled faster, verify losses for your income tax return and help you purchase the correct amount of insurance.

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Preparing an Effective Evacuation Plan

Written By Charlotte Insurance on March 14, 2011. It has 0 comments.

In the event of a sudden emergency such as a hurricane, you may have just minutes to gather your family and important papers, and get out of your house, possibly for good. Are you prepared? Where would you go? What would you take with you?

With preparation and practice, you stand the best chance of getting out with what you and your family need, and ending up in the right place.

Planning ahead is crucial; this five-step plan can help get you and your family on the road to safety.

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Grilling Safety

Written By Charlotte Insurance on March 10, 2011. It has 0 comments.

Americans enjoy more than three billion barbecues each year. But barbecuing can be dangerous, even deadly, if you are not careful.

The following tips can make your grilling experience safer:

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Do I Need a Commercial Auto Insurance Policy?

Written By Charlotte Insurance on February 3, 2011. It has 0 comments.

As a businessowner, you need the same kinds of insurance coverages for the car you use in your business as you do for a car used for personal travel — liability, collision and comprehensive, medical payments (known as personal injury protection in some states) and coverage for uninsured motorists. In fact, many business people use the same vehicle for both business and pleasure. If the vehicle is owned by the business, make sure the name of the business appears on the policy as the “principal insured” rather than your name. This will avoid possible confusion in the event that you need to file a claim or a claim is filed against you.

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1959 Chevy / 2009 Chevy. Crash Test!

Written By Charlotte Insurance on January 27, 2011. It has 0 comments.

This is astonishing…The fabulous 50’s??

CRASH OF a 1959 Chevy with a 2009 Chevy.

Stay with this till the end as there are several camera views…

A 2009 car vs. a 1959 car in a crash test. Guess which one wins.

No sound, but the video is enough.

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