
Charlotte Tow Truck Insurance

Written By Charlotte Insurance on March 25, 2015. It has 0 comments.

Because of the risks associated with operating a tow truck, finding the right Charlotte tow truck insurance policy is extremely important.

Carrying the wrong amount or kind of insurance is just as bad as not carrying any coverage. Your tow truck insurance will protect you, your drivers, your business, and your customers.


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Types of Charlotte Commercial Truck Insurance

Written By Charlotte Insurance on March 16, 2015. It has 0 comments.

Big trucks are a necessary part of life. Without trucks, goods couldn’t get hauled from one end of the country to the other, disabled vehicles couldn’t get towed, trash couldn’t be picked up, and boxes couldn’t be delivered to your front door. Trucks are everywhere on the roads and, unfortunately, accidents happen. Good insurance coverage is imperative in your business.

Your Charlotte commercial truck insurance requirements are determined, in part, by how many people drive trucks for your business, how many miles are traveled each year, and what is being hauled.

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Charlotte Trucking Insurance Policies May Face New Minimum Requirements

Written By Charlotte Insurance on March 12, 2015. It has 0 comments.

No one wants to think about it, but accidents happen. You might travel on the same dark road for years without incident, until one night with icy conditions, decreased visibility, and a deer that runs into the middle of the road.

It happens all across the country:

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The Importance of having a Trusted Workers Compensation Advisor

Written By Charlotte Insurance on February 27, 2015. It has 0 comments.

$18,250 – $36,500 in fines, even if there are no workplace injuries – that’s what you could expect if your business is caught without workers’ compensation insurance coverage for a year.

The North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act requires most businesses with three or more employees to obtain workers’ compensation insurance with few exceptions. While your employees can opt out of coverage, you cannot. Not providing workers’ compensation can be a very expensive mistake.

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Why Choose a North Carolina Independent Insurance Agent?

Written By Charlotte Insurance on February 24, 2015. It has 0 comments.

The gecko says you can save 15 percent in 15 minutes. The lady with the name tag says her company has the best prices – but they don’t have price tags. Another insurance company will zap you out of trouble with a jingle.

They’re all fun and make great commercials.

But do you really have time to check out three, four, or more insurance companies for your auto or home insurance needs? Each time, you have to submit your information, wait for a quote, and then compare.

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Employers Can Save Thousands with Private Health Care Exchanges

Written By Charlotte Insurance on February 18, 2015. It has 0 comments.

The Affordable Care Act, often known as “Obamacare,” is in full swing and millions of people are benefiting from the reform. Young people under 26 still have coverage thanks to their parent’s plans. Those with pre-existing conditions know they will always have coverage. Millions of previously uninsured Americans are able to afford health insurance with the help of competitive rates and subsidies from the federal government.

As an employer or business owner, you may be feeling left out and wondering where the benefit is for you. Consider a private health care exchange for your company and reap many benefits of participation.

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Rebalancing High New Worth Insurance: Stop Paying Too Much for Too Little

Written By Charlotte Insurance on January 26, 2015. It has 0 comments.

Too often, high net worth families in Charlotte and the surrounding areas, don’t realize that their personal insurance requires a bit more scrutiny than the average person’s does. The wealthy have more opportunities for savings and frequently miss them by over insuring in the wrong areas. They also tend to put their hard-earned wealth at unnecessary risk by under insuring where it really counts. The Private Client Group at Charlotte Insurance is dedicated helping wealthy individuals fix these inequities by rebalancing their high net worth insurance portfolios. In many cases, we accomplish this with only small increases in overall cost — or with no increase at all.

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How Much Does Commercial Insurance Cost?

Written By Charlotte Insurance on January 21, 2015. It has 0 comments.

You’ve finally done it – become your own boss and started a business. You’re in charge of your future. Hard work, determination, and drive, mixed with great customer service and an amazing product or service, are all you’re going to need to succeed.

Actually, no, you need something more. You need protection for yourself and your business. You need insurance for your business.

Before you think of this as yet another expense, insurance protects you and your business. Depending on the type of business you operate, your insurance needs and costs will vary.

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Fidelity Bonds vs Surety Bonds – What’s the Difference?

Written By Charlotte Insurance on January 5, 2015. It has 0 comments.

Surety bonds come in all different shapes and sizes, depending on your business needs, but they are designed to do one thing – protect everyone involved in a contract.

Most surety bonds protect the customer who hired you to complete a job. Others, like fidelity bonds, protect both the customer and your business. Charlotte Insurance understands the different types of surety bonds and can help you make a more informed decision for how best to protect your business and your customers.

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Understanding Fidelity Bonds

Written By Charlotte Insurance on January 2, 2015. It has 0 comments.

You’ve worked hard to build relationships with your clients and customers. You’ve got amazing employees who care about taking care of customers and seeing the business grow. But it only takes one bad apple to destroy everything you’ve built.

As careful as you may be when you hire new employees, there could easily come a time when you hire someone who is dishonest.

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